Friday 30 March 2012

Filming Plan - Day 3

Day 3
Performance (Here It Goes Again + link to narrative)

Here it goes again: Close up of feet running, close up of feet landing next to thread mill (as if falling off), close up of face singing, close up of face then falling, mid shot of falling, mid shots of me singing and dancing x3, longshot of me singing and dancing (to use in split screen)

Linking scene: long shot of me walking in a sitting down (to use in split screen), mid shot of me opening iPad, close up of fifa on screen of iPad, mid shot of me having flashback

Day 3
Performance Filming (Bohemian Rhapsody + link to narrative)

Bohemian Rhapsody: Close up of my face singing verse in pitch black room, close up of my face singing chorus, longshot of me singing in room with light on and light off (for split screen)

Linking scene: Longshot of me walking into medical room (pitch black room) and lying on coach (for split screen), mid shot of me shuffling cards, close up of cards being shuffled, mid shot of me having flashback

Thursday 29 March 2012

Filming Plan - Day 2

Day 2
Performance Filming (Amarillo + link to narrative)

Amarillo: Midshots of me singing and walking down corridors, close up of me singing, close up of me and a.n.other walking.

Linking scene: Frisbee: Midshot of someone throwing frisbee, longshot of me talking then it hitting me, close up of frisbee on floor, midshot of me picking it up, close up of me remembering flashback
Car: mid shot of me walking in car park, other me stops car to let them walk past, close up of face looking towards seat, close up of seat, mid shot of me remembering

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Filming Plan - Day 1

Day 1
Narrative filming: 

Start of video: Close up of text, mid shot of me holding picture, close up of picture being put down.


Frisbee: Mid shot of me catching frisbee and throwing, close up/midshot of frisbee hitting PB, close up of my face (shocked), mid shot of me running
Fifa: Close up of tv - goal celebrations, scoreline. Mid shots of me showing expression of sadness/anger at loosing, Mid shot moving out of PB in Arsenal
Poker: Close up of cards being place down, Mid shot of me looking at cards and laying them, mid shot of PB, close up of his cards
Car: Low angle midshot of me driving/singing (as if from PB's view), high angle shot of PB (as if from my view), longshot of car driving, midshot of car so can see people inside

End: Mid shot of me in chair crying, close up of wiping tears, close up of door bell being rang, midshot of me getting up, close up of my hand on door handle, low angle shot (PB view) of door opening, longshot of us at door.

Friday 23 March 2012


There is only 2 of us in Mercury productions.

Because  of this it means we shall try and share responsibilities equally. I shall perform in front of camera whilst Tom will film. We shall try and split editing between us, however Tom has more experience so will take on more. I shall make the Digipack with input from Tom.

Monday 19 March 2012


We shall use different props for both narrative and performance, this shall bring humour and a start/end to story.
In the narrative we shall use props to make links from someone to remembering the past and the past it self. An example of this would be myself seeing a pack of cards, then thinking back to playing cards with Paddington. The mis-en-scene would be very important for this to work. Other idea's would be using a frisbee, fifa/football game, driving in a car, picnic.
We shall use something like a picture at the start and end of the video, this shows that there is a equilibrium, then Paddington will leave, causing a disequilibrium, then shall return, so the picture is shown again to show the equilibrium is restored.
Also we shall use props for comedic value, an example of this is using a suitcase when Paddington returns. Of course the suit case would be bigger than him and it obvious he wouldn't use it as he is only seen with one outfit. We could also use the frisbee to hit him, he cannot catch it as he is only a stuffed bear.

Tuesday 13 March 2012


For my narrative I shall shoot the video mostly around my house. That gives it the realistic feel, however for the flashbacks we shall shoot in various locations. The Frisbee scene will be filmed in my garden, and the FIFA scene will be filmed in my lounge.

Amarillo (Is this the way too?) is filmed mostly in corridors, so we shall shoot the footage of the spoof in the school corridors. A-wing in particular has a split where my backing singers can come from either side. We may also film outside on the pavement as Amarillo does use different locations in the video.

OK Go's Here we go again, will be filmed in the school gym. The original video uses treadmills, so we shall use the treadmills in the gym. It is also a big wide space to use a split screen effect.

Bohemian Rhapsody will be shot in a black room, probably the medical room at school, as it has no windows. A torch can then be used to light up my face to get the spoof similar to the original video.

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Selecting videos to mimick

We had to decide what videos we were going to spoof for the performance element of our video. Due to resources such as locations and costumes we have decided on:

(Is this the way to) Amarillo - Tony Christie ft Peter Kay
Here We Go Again - OK Go
Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen

We only chose 3 because there is 3 chorus's and we also wanted to add narrative.

We believe these 3 videos are very iconic and relatively easy to achieve.