Friday 30 March 2012

Filming Plan - Day 3

Day 3
Performance (Here It Goes Again + link to narrative)

Here it goes again: Close up of feet running, close up of feet landing next to thread mill (as if falling off), close up of face singing, close up of face then falling, mid shot of falling, mid shots of me singing and dancing x3, longshot of me singing and dancing (to use in split screen)

Linking scene: long shot of me walking in a sitting down (to use in split screen), mid shot of me opening iPad, close up of fifa on screen of iPad, mid shot of me having flashback

Day 3
Performance Filming (Bohemian Rhapsody + link to narrative)

Bohemian Rhapsody: Close up of my face singing verse in pitch black room, close up of my face singing chorus, longshot of me singing in room with light on and light off (for split screen)

Linking scene: Longshot of me walking into medical room (pitch black room) and lying on coach (for split screen), mid shot of me shuffling cards, close up of cards being shuffled, mid shot of me having flashback

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